The Finnish student and teachers arrived today in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. The two weeks of exchange program start today with a day with the host family. All the Finnish students found their host families at the Leeuwenhorst school. They went home with the families for a fun day in the dutch culture.
Tomorrow we start with some group activities to get to know each other and break the ice a little bit.

The Finns travelling to Noordwijkerhout
We met at the Oulu airport around 4am. The flight to Helsinki left at 5.35 so everybody was really tired. The atmosphere in the plane was excited and exhausted. When in Helsinki airport nobody got lost because of the YET hoodies. We looked like a coding club, as Aikku said, so we were easy to recognize. At the Helsinki airport we had an hour to eat snacks and get coffee. Then it was time to board the plane to the Netherlands. On the flight most of the people slept. In Amsterdam everybody was eager to get to the school, but the wait for the luggage was over an hour. After the long wait the bus was already waiting for us outside. When we got outside everybody thought it felt like summer. After the bus ride we were finally at school and met the host families.