DAY 12 – the first performances

Wednesday was a very different day compared to the past days. All students gathered at school at 9:00, but they didn’t have a warmup together. First performances had started and all the teams were focused on them. At 10:00 was the first performance with OSYK’s first year students as the audience. All things were working correctly, and the shows were amazing. They started with the Finnish play and then the Dutch, both art factory teams were helping with the stage and media team was recording the two plays. At 11:30 when the performances ended students had a lunch break at the cafeteria until 12:35. When the second performance started, it was the same with the first, but the audience was other first year students. One and a half hours later students had a big break till 17:00 and most of them went out to eat something, because they were very tired from their work. The last performance of this day was at 18:00 and the audience there was old yetis. It finished at 19:30 and then all students were free to go rest.

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