DAY 13 – sad final day of performances

The students met at the school at 9 am and all of them felt excited about the performances but also sad because the project was ending. The first performance was at 10 am, with school students as the audience. Then at 11 am it was time for lunch and students ate pasta with tuna. After the lunch break it was the second performance in which the audience was filled with students too. The students spent all their breaks during the day writing in notebooks. Every student had one and the others wrote nice messages about the project in them.  From 2 pm to 6 pm they were free to do whatever they wanted, many went to relax, others to eat and others to shop. Some even watched a movie at school. About 20 students went to a Dutch restaurant to taste their exchange students’ home country’s food. The owners spoke Dutch which was a fun surprise for the Dutch students. At 7 pm was the final performance with parents as the audience. It was also livestreamed on Youtube so every parent could watch it, even in Greece and the Netherlands. After the last performance all the students participating in YET headed to the stage to congratulate each other. We heard a speech from OSYK’s principal Tiitti and got roses from the teachers. We ended the night with some hugs and dancing on stage.

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