Day 14 – Going home.

After the emotional final performances, everyone went home for a night that would be the last night in the Netherlands for the Finnish students. At 9:30 all of the students had to clean up the school and around 12 it was time for the feedback, all of the teams gathered with their team leaders and talked about the YET experience as a whole. It was an emotional talked and it ended with a nice gift from the fancy five!

After the cleaning up and the feedback, it was time for the last YET event, and it was bowling. Everyone had a lot of fun together! after the bowling, all of the students went home so that the Finnish students could get their bags.

Around 4 PM, it was time for saying goodbye and of course, it was very emotional, almost everyone cried and hugged for one last time. Then the bus with the Finnish students departed and YET was over. But of course, there will always be next year!

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