On Wednesday the first performances started for our YET actors. The Dutch team started and gave us a wonderful performance. They had created different scenes where they showed what the Sampo is and what it does to people. They thought of Sampo as a person that helps people and gives everyone a good life experience. In the story, there were three characters, who all had some kind of a trauma from the past. The Sampo helped these people to come out of that trauma and to have a peace of mind again.
Next up was the performance from the Finnish team. They had another interpretation about the Sampo. It was not a human but a thing where that could only be reached after making a journey. They had created scenes where they showed characters with problems who wanted to reach the Sampo. The main character was Väinämöinen, who was the captain of the ship. He was the wise man in the story and told about the journey.
Both teams were very optimistic about their plays. They all thought that the performances went well but that they also had something to improve.
Text: Joost Barnhoorn
Pictures: Arsi Paananen