Day 5:
The warm up today consisted of a big dance of between 3 groups. Elina Tähtelä the Finnish choreographer gave 3 separate groups of 5 the task to design around 4 dances that could be a future trend. There were some really creatives dances like the ‘Shizzle Wizzle’ a dance where you put your hands in the air and shake, the ‘Polluted fish’ a dance where you put your hands around your body and jump/shake like a fish on land and the ‘orange umbrella’ a dance where you put your wrists together and you shake with your hands. It was a really fun exercise but it was heavy and everyone was already tired after the hardly begun!
But after a short rest, the real work had to start. The Dutch team started with sitting in a big circle, making their own poems based directly from the book and sharing them with the group. After they finished this it was lunch day with on the menu a lovely soup. After
The rest of the day all of the teams will keep up the good work. And tonight there is a special event on the agenda, The Ice-Hockey match! A lot of people are excited about it and of course, there will be a report tomorrow.