Day 3 – The Finnish national presentation

The Finnish national presentation

The third day was all about the national presentations. The national presentation, a fun and exciting evening based around exploring the cultures of Finland and the Netherlands. It took a few weeks to prepare but on the 10th of February, the big day was there. After an hour-long break from twelve to one, the final rehearsals started for the students of both countries. The rehearsals were top-secret of course, you wouldn’t want a student of the other country to find out what you were up to before the show. So no spoilers yet!

When everyone was tired after a lot of hardwork and practice we ate a typical dutch dish: hutspot. Then it was almost time for the national presentations to start. The mediateam prepared the cameras and the livestreams and after this the Finnish national presentation started.

It was a fantastic play about typical life in Finland, as someone who is Dutch myself I learned new things about Finland for example that the power cuts quite often and that they invented the Nokia, Angry Birds and molotov cocktails. The show was great, it had good acting and some very funny jokes. After this play the stage was set for the Dutch team, more about the dutch presentation in another article.
If you want to watch back any of the national presentations, they will be uploaded on the youtube channel.

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